Thursday, May 29, 2008

Perspectiva Diferente!!

Well it is Contest-aroonie time again. This weeks challenge is
"different perspective". What does that mean exactly?

Well according to Mr. Webster, " perspective" is defined as:
"The effect of distance upon the appearance of objects, by means of which the eye recognized them as being at a more or less
measurable distance. Hence, aerial perspective, the assumed greater vagueness or uncertainty of outline in distant objects."

So lets see some examples:

Those are all good but here is my official entry into this weeks challenge:

Monday, May 19, 2008


And so it begins.........

Susan and I took a day last weekend to explore the
softer side of nature. Well what better way to see
nature at its best than to see it come to life during
my favorite season of the year....... SPRING!!!

After much consideration an the fact this
is my first entry into the contest, I decided
on this image as my entry for this week!

These are the runners up.....
(absolutly loved this one. My little friend took off as I snapped the shot)

(this little guy was going to make it one way or the other)

Day 1

Today Susan and I went out for a photo shoot.

First Stop.....................


My attempt at early morning circus tricks!

After that it was on with the shoot.

Were we ended up at the Fort Worth Water Gardens.

This was Susan's first trip to the water gardens.

It was hot but she persevered through.

Once we had seen all there was we headed off to the movies.

Then from there the "tulip garden's" as Susan says.
We both had some interesting shots.

By then we were ready to head home.

I had a great day with you baby.....